About Philtek

Founded in 1976 with a commitment to reliability, innovation and customer service, Philtek is one of the world’s leading manufacturer of large, parallel/redundant, inverter systems. With “in-house” engineering, Philtek supplies DC to AC inverters for commercial and industrial applications requiring Critical Power.

Philtek primarily serves industrial markets that require power conversion products. Our customers vary from telecommunications companies, and gas and electric utilities, to pulp and paper mills, and refineries. Our primary products are DC to AC inverters with battery chargers, frequency converters, uninterruptible power supplies available as custom-designed power conversion equipment.

To ensure that quality is built into all of our products, every major component we supply – from magnets and circuit boards to equipment enclosures – are designed, prototyped and tested at Philtek's 40,000 square-foot facility in Richmond, B.C., Canada. All our systems are individually tested and "burned in" before shipment.

Philtek is proud of its record of providing reliable products that require little or no servicing. Should a service interruption occur, our engineering staff provides guaranteed technical support around the clock.

Philtek products are Canadian Standard Association, CSA, certified and designed to UL standards. Philtek’s extensive research and development program ensures customers receive advanced design products as well as continuous improvement of our standard products.

Company News

Philtek Electronics opens new Manufacturing Plant in Canada

Philtek Electronics has opened a new, 40,000 square foot Manufacturing Plant in Richmond BC, Canada.

The new plant allows Philtek to consolidate manufacturing into one plant from several locations that had been in use because of rapid expansion starting in 2000 and the success of the HPRi Inverter System.

The new facility provides space for offices, training, research and development, testing, circuit board assembly, transformer production and general assembly. Additional utility power is also available in the new facility to allow for the testing and burn-in of Philtek’s large Inverter Systems.

  • Contact Philtek Canada at:

  • Philtek Electronics Ltd.

  • 11828 Machrina Way
  • Richmond, BC V7A 4V1

  • Telephone

  • 604-270-4642 Tel.
  • 604-270-8343 Fax
  • Contact Philtek USA at:

  • Philtek Power Corporation

  • PO Box 1
  • Blaine, Wa 98231-0001

  • Telephone

  • 360-332-7252 Tel.
  • E-mail